Friday, 30 September 2011

So Far, So Good pt. 1

I originally intended this post to be a summation of my first month in piracy but due to my laziness and Maths coursework it has been delayed and will now be a summation of my first two months in piracy.....roughly.
This will be quite a long post as I am going to try and be as detailed as I can be, but hopefully it will still be interesting and not at all waffly(Its a word).

Pirating So Far

Its been quite a transition and the first two months have been a success...I think.  I know killboard stats are fairly useless but I have managed to maintain a ~90% efficiency whilst getting over 120 kills in frigates which is nice only recently lost my 20th I believe.  So a 6:1 ratio.
That isn't to say I haven't done some really stupid things and alot of those losses reflect that.  Some lost through stupidity and others through getting used to the low sec mechanics again.  I will touch on these later.

At the moment I just want to write a little about the differences between low sec and NPC null in terms of the kind of PvP I have found.  The biggest and most obvious one is that lack of bubbles, I can't tell you how nice it has been not having to fit a MWD to all my frigates, it also makes escaping the inevitable gate camps easier.  Although with the militias tendency to fly frigates and my outlaw status that isn't always as easy as it looks and does require some knowledge of agro mechanics.
I have noticed a lack of larger gangs in Heimatar lowsec, minus the odd militia bait and blob fleet most pilots tend to be in <5 person gang category.  This is most likely due to my area of lowsec, being the main area for the Minmatar/Amarr militia, that there is a larger number of small corporations and the lack of cohesion in the militias mean that they tend to stay with each other.  That's not to say militia don't all fleet up together sometimes but it seems rare, largely due to how easy it is to get spies in the oppositions militia.
This all helps me as I love flying frigates and thanks to the above reasons I can get away with it around Amamake, they mean I can get plenty of kills (Militia Frigates and Destroyers) and still get around without getting popped by gate camps.  The transition hasn't been all sunshine and rainbows, getting used to having gate guns again hasn't been great and I have lost a couple of ships to them because I have forgotten about the GCC (Somehow all have been CovOps frigates).

The largest problem I have found since becoming a pirate again is the same problem all pirates face eventually, earning isk and logistics.  The adjustment to pirating has meant I have refocused my alt to making me some isk in high sec, this has meant ironically I had to rat that characters sec up so he could actually access high sec.  For some reason I chose the nice character to become the pirate and my old pirate character to become my high sec hauler/trader alt, strange that.  As far as loot and earning from piracy alone I think I am breaking even, maybe even in the black (Not by a lot mind) but as I only fly frigates and generally solo, big ransoms and loot drops haven't really come my way as of yet.
After two months of piracy and buying alot of frigates for my character I have roughly the same isk buffer I had when I started so I would say its working out well so far.

I am going to talk about the pvp parts of piracy life in my next post otherwise its going to take me months to finish a post.


Thursday, 22 September 2011

How to fly Combat Cov-Ops ships pt. 2

This is the second part to my two part series on Combat Cov-Ops ships and how to fly them.  In this post I will be dealing with the rocket fitted cov-ops, the Buzzard and the Anathema.  They share most of the same traits as the turret cov-ops minus the obvious difference of weapon type.  Due to this they also generally use the same tactics during a fight.  Namely keeping to the edge of you scram range and using your webs and tracking disruptor to your advantage.


Firstly the Fit

[Buzzard, Combat]

Low Slots

Micro Auxiliary Power Core I
Damage Control II

Mid Slots

1MN Afterburner II
Warp Scrambler II
Stasis Webifier II
Stasis Webifier II
Tracking Disruptor II, Optimal Range Disruption

Hi Slots

Covert Ops Cloaking Device II
Rocket Launcher II, Caldari Navy Thorn Rocket
Rocket Launcher II, Caldari Navy Thorn Rocket

Rig Slots

Small Bay Loading Accelerator I
Small Warhead Calefaction Catalyst I

Like with the previous Combat Ships mention in part 1, this fit can be done with meta items instead which improves the cap life greatly, however it is less useful as with good skills the above fit is cap stable.  Now you may be asking why its relevant about these fits being cap stable, the reason it becomes important is because the e-war is your life, once they switch off you lose your advantage.

Out of all the Cov-Ops, this is the most similar to the Helios when it comes to fighting, the five mid slots again giving it brilliant range dictation.  The largest problems with this when comparing it too the Helios however is the much lower hull hp which means this has the smallest ehp tank of all the combat cov-ops when fitted in this configuration.  It can mean that fighting in a battle buzzard can get rather hairy sometimes if you make a mistake early on, for example overshooting and getting to close to your opponent taking some large hits then not having enough time to get back to your ideal range again.
There are some great benefits to this fit however the obvious one being that it can fit a cloak and therefore can make its way around whatever area of space you want fairly undetected.  The other benefit, in my opinion, is that it has rockets fit.  Now not everyone will agree with me here but since the 'buff' rockets have been fantastic and at 8km-10km very few other close range frigate weapons match them for consistent dps on target.  What do I mean by consistent dps on target you say, well with the dual webs and orbit you still hit for near full dps whereas your opponent will have vastly reduced dps thanks to losses in tracking and fall off, even if they load barrage (projectile long range ammo) for example.

Secondly the Strategy

Although the tactics are fairly similar to the previous fits mention in part 1 the relative cap independence of the weapons and cloak allow you to engage in more circumstances and escape from others that wouldn't have been possible in the Helios.  If you haven't part 1 the general tactics for flying against turret frigates/destroyer/interdictors is orbit close to the edge of scram range and use the tracking disruptor to minimize the incoming dps whilst slowly wearing them down with your rail guns and drone damage. 
There are some exceptions to this rule, laser frigates can be problematic due to their high base range and in the likely event that they have scorch loaded, its sometimes better to use a tracking speed disruption module and script and get close. This is due to lasers having poor tracking up close. This can cause problem with your own tracking as well (rails being 'crap' and all).

The most dangerous frigate types I find whilst flying this ship is rocket frigates and kiting frigates. Rocket frigates as the tracking disruptor has no effect, it becomes a tank/gank race, which generally doesn’t work out in the Helios favour.
Kiting frigates because they can stay outside of tackle range and wear you down, although turret kiting frigates can be tracking disrupted to a point where they inflict little damage to your ship which may force them close enough to tackle.

Proof of Concept

Buzzard vs. Thrasher
Buzzard vs. Rifter
Buzzard vs. Punisher


Now I will introduce the paragraph/section by saying I personally have never flown the Anathema in anger.  This isn't anything against the ship itself, it has a lovely hull, but is purely down to the fact that I already had Caldari Frigate V by the time I had trained Amarr Frigate V and seeing as the Buzzard (at least combat wise) is essentially the Anathema with an extra mid I never saw the point.

Do not be put off by that less than glowing endorsement, it can still be an effective Combat frigate (basically a rocket firing Cheetah) so it can still work fight.

The Fit

[Anathema, Combat Covops]

Low Slots

Damage Control II
Ballistic Control System II
Ballistic Control System II

Mid Slots

Cold-Gas I Arcjet Thrusters
Warp Scrambler II
Stasis Webifier II
Tracking Disruptor II, Optimal Range Disruption

Hi Slots

Rocket Launcher II, Caldari Navy Gremlin Rocket
Rocket Launcher II, Caldari Navy Gremlin Rocket
Covert Ops Cloaking Device II

Rig Slots

Small Warhead Calefaction Catalyst I
Small Polycarbon Engine Housing I

As you can see it is basically the Cheetah fit, roughly the same ehp/speed and dps at your preferred range (8km).

Secondly the Strategy

Although once again the strategy is similar to those already mentioned, this fit as it is the slowest requires you to overheat alot more, it also has fairly low dps.  So if you are wanting to fly the Anathema get your Thermodynamics skill as high as possible first as it will help keep your ship alive a lot longer.
The other thing I will mention is that the Anathema is the only fit I could get to work without the micro auxillary power core fitted, this gave it an extra low slot for the second damage mod.  This improves your low dps to 72 now (yaye!!).

Proof of Concept

Unfortunately as mentioned I haven't flown an Anathema in combat but there is evidence in video form on youtube which I will link at the end that contains footage of the Anathema in acton.

The Difference and Details

There are some obvious difference and some not so obvious between the Buzzard and the Anathema.  The standout difference is the lack of a 5th mid on the Anathema, like I have already mentioned this lowers your ability to control the range of the fight quite alot which means overheating for as long as possible on your prop mod.  
The EHP tanks of the two frigates differ as well, due to the Amarr frigates larger HP it gets a larger benefit out of the damage control than the Buzzard which I have already mentioned as having the lowest EHP tank of any Cov-Ops in this type of fitting.
Although the Anathema has a larger cap/better recharge than the Buzzard, the benefit is largely irrelevant due to both still being stable.  The Anathema does get a larger powergrid which gives it greater flexibility in fitting, for example a change for the above fit could be adding another resist mod instead of the second damage mod, this would increase your EHP to nearer the helios level but greatly lowers the DPS.
The last difference is the DPS itself in the above 'Ganky' fits they both have similar EFT dps the Buzzard has the second web meaning it can use the Thorn Rage ammo if it needs to against other frigates, this would give it an advantage in raw damage.  Another less obvious difference between the two ships, is damage mitigation.  Although both have similar dps the Buzzard can hold its target at range for longer/permanently giving it the edge over the Anathema in fights as it lowers the incoming dps as well as making it easier to run when needed.

And thus concludes part 2. Hope anyone who has read this far has enjoyed it or at least gotten some interesting fits they now want to go try out and have fun in.


p.s. Please message any feedback or questions to me either here on the comments or feel free to message me in game if you want any more 'pointers'.
p.p.s I am finally getting around to making a pvp video, it has mostly been frigate combat but I will get that up on YouTube soon....

Combat Cov-Ops

Realised I actually linked vids for a different post and the above was the one that was meant to be on here.

Wednesday, 21 September 2011

Fun Ships for Fun Times pt. 2

So here is the second part of my 'series' of Fun Fits for Fail Ships, essentially all I am doing is posting fits for non-combat ships or for ships with a bad reputation in combat that can either be a laugh or surprisingly effective.  In this post its going to be mostly non-combat ships that can be used in combat for a laugh starting with.....

Battle Mammoth

This is a more recent one I have used and to be honest the fit I used I ended up not liking and have now changed it for the next excursion of the Battle Mammoth (Bammoth).

The new fit is as follows.

[Mammoth,  Battle Mammoth]
Damage Control II
Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane II
Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane II
400mm Reinforced Rolled Tungsten Plates I

Warp Scrambler II
Stasis Webifier II
Stasis Webifier II
Small Capacitor Booster II, Cap Booster 100
Tracking Disruptor II, Optimal Range Disruption

200mm AutoCannon II, Republic Fleet Phased Plasma S
Small Energy Neutralizer II

Medium Projectile Collision Accelerator I
Medium Projectile Burst Aerator I

Now I am not going to tell you this can go out and solo cruisers or anything like that, hell it would have trouble beating most t2 frigates but when that sweet moment when you get t1 frigates attack you whilst you are in it, its hilarious.
That was using my old shield fit Mammoth, however this armor fit has the same EHP, close to the same dps and more ewar so I imagine it would be more effective.  However just for completion I will put the shield fit below also.

[Mammoth,  Battle Mammoth]
Damage Control II
Gyrostabilizer II
Gyrostabilizer II
Gyrostabilizer II

Warp Scrambler II
Stasis Webifier II
Small Capacitor Booster II, Cap Booster 100
Medium Shield Extender II
Medium Shield Extender II

200mm AutoCannon II, Republic Fleet Phased Plasma S
Small Energy Neutralizer II

Medium Anti-EM Screen Reinforcer I
Medium Anti-EM Screen Reinforcer I
Medium Anti-Thermal Screen Reinforcer I

Next the Battle Hulk

[Hulk, Battle Hulk]
Damage Control II
Micro Auxiliary Power Core I

Medium Shield Booster II
Small Capacitor Booster II, Navy Cap Booster 400
Warp Scrambler II
Stasis Webifier II

Small Unstable Power Fluctuator I
Small Unstable Power Fluctuator I
Modulated Strip Miner II, Veldspar Mining Crystal I

Medium Anti-EM Screen Reinforcer II
Medium Core Defence Operational Solidifier I

Hammerhead II x5

I would not personally use this ship, purely because of the extreme prices of Hulks and the fact that your only real targets are frigates but it is effective (as seen in the video 'When Carebears Attack').  The entire premise of the fit works around the rather strong active tank you can get out of a Hulk thanks to its resists.

The plan of action is sit in a belt (HIGHSEC!!) and pretend to mine with a can out, wait until the unsuspecting can flipper comes and flips your can then go to work on him.  Thanks to the large natural hold and lack of turrets you can hold a lot of boosters and therefore run your tank or neuts for a long time.

The largest problem with this fit is the cost, last time I checked the hull alone is worth around 180mil, hence why I put a tech 2 resist rig on there.  I would also say a cheap faction booster may also be worth it because if you lose this ship its going to end up being either way so why not make it harder to lose.

Lastly for this post a fit I am not sure whether would work on a regular basis but looks funny all the same

Combat Scimitar

[Scimitar, Combat Scimitar]
Damage Control II
Gyrostabilizer II
Gyrostabilizer II
Gyrostabilizer II

10MN Afterburner II
Invulnerability Field II
Dread Guristas Large Shield Booster
Medium Electrochemical Capacitor Booster I, Cap Booster 800
Warp Scrambler II

Dual 180mm AutoCannon II, Republic Fleet Phased Plasma M
Dual 180mm AutoCannon II, Republic Fleet Phased Plasma M
Assault Missile Launcher II, Caldari Navy Bloodclaw Light Missile
Small Unstable Power Fluctuator I

Medium Anti-Kinetic Screen Reinforcer I
Medium Core Defence Operational Solidifier I

Valkyrie II x2
Warrior II x3
Warrior II x2

The entire theory behind this fit is use the ridiculously small sigs of logi ships combined with there relatively high AB speed to mitigate the incoming damage and active tanking the rest.
Depending on your implant sets and budgets you can either get a 40m sig radius with HG Halos and a loki alt or a 1k+ dps active tank with HG Crystals and a Tengu alt.  Either way this thing tanks alot.
Having said that I am not sure whether the above fit is the most effective fit for this type of role, you may be able to squeeze out more dps or tank depending or you may prefer a buffer tank instead (sort of defeats the point though).

And thus concludes another post on 'Fun Fits for Fail Ships'


p.s. I know Scimitars aren't fail but they aren't direct combat ships either.

Funny Vid


Friday, 16 September 2011

Fun Ships for Fun Times pt. 1

To go with my guide to Battle Cov-Ops, I thought I would do a couple of posts about ships with unorthodox fittings for those days when your bored with cookie cutter or fancy flying a ship that lots of people will engage because they think you will be crap.

I personally love flying stupid ships, yes I will fly a nano drake/harb/cane every once in a while or sometimes undock in a shield rifter but most of the time I prefer to fly ships that aren't seen as amazing and people love to engage.  This helps get fights and makes the ones you win that much better because your winning against the grain.

XL Shield Boosting Celestis

Warning. This fit requires some serious micromanagement skills

This is the first 'lol' fit I actually tried in pvp and it is hilarious, although I haven't been as successful with it as others, there are some great examples of the fun you can have in it.

[Celestis, XL Boosting]
Damage Control II
Gyrostabilizer II
Power Diagnostic System II

10MN Afterburner II
X-Large C5-L Emergency Shield Overload I
Medium Electrochemical Capacitor Booster I, Cap Booster 800
Warp Scrambler II
Invulnerability Field II

200mm AutoCannon II, Republic Fleet Phased Plasma S
200mm AutoCannon II, Republic Fleet Phased Plasma S
200mm AutoCannon II, Republic Fleet Phased Plasma S
Small Unstable Power Fluctuator I

Medium Anti-EM Screen Reinforcer I
Medium Core Defence Operational Solidifier I
Medium Core Defence Operational Solidifier I

Warrior II x2
Valkyrie II x3

It has terrible dps but the main part of the fun is the tank, which for a tier 2(?) cruiser is frankly ridiculous.  It has a heated burst tank of 536dps without implants, with a little bit of money invested (Crystal implants) this thing gets an 816dps tank(!).  
The ship works best when combating larger ships because you attempt to get under its guns (tracking) as much as possible and using the tank to survive.  Although thanks to the small guns/neut combo it has the ability to bother scram range frigates a little, but its still not great against them.

Celestis + Gate Guns vs. Typhoon + Tempest <---Shows what this fit can do

Armor Hawk

Anyone who read my blog on a regular basis will no this is my staple ship of choice at the moment, although the Vengeance is a close second.  The main advantage of this fit is range dictation.  Inside web range you can dictate range against most frigates, this means you can use your rockets superior damage at range to your advantage. 

[Hawk, Armor]
Damage Control II
400mm Reinforced Rolled Tungsten Plates I

1MN Afterburner II
Warp Scrambler II
Stasis Webifier II
Stasis Webifier II

Rocket Launcher II, Caldari Navy Thorn Rocket
Rocket Launcher II, Caldari Navy Thorn Rocket
Rocket Launcher II, Caldari Navy Thorn Rocket
Rocket Launcher II, Caldari Navy Thorn Rocket
[empty high slot]

Small Bay Loading Accelerator I
Small Ancillary Current Router I

It doesn't have amazing dps (123dps with faction ammo and no heat) or effective hit points (8.7k) but it has brilliant dps at the edge of scram range and this is what you use to your advantage, as it lowers turret opponents dps considerably (They will be near the edge of their standard range in most cases).

Armor Merlin

This essentially is just a t1 version of the Armor Hawk, with worse stats across the board.  Its cheap though and still effective in its role, kite at the edge of scram range and whittle the opponent down.  As it is a t1 version of the Hawk fit, it doesn't have as large an engagement envelope.  Some of the frigates you could engage in the Hawk (i.e. Dramiels) will produce enough dps to still win the fight against this Merlin fit, however I would still engage them because if you can dictate range on your opponent you can run when it gets hairy.

[Merlin, Armor Merlin]
200mm Reinforced Rolled Tungsten Plates I
Damage Control II

1MN Afterburner II
Warp Scrambler II
Stasis Webifier II
Stasis Webifier II

Rocket Launcher II, Caldari Navy Gremlin Rocket
Rocket Launcher II, Caldari Navy Gremlin Rocket
75mm Gatling Rail II, Caldari Navy Plutonium Charge S
75mm Gatling Rail II, Caldari Navy Plutonium Charge S

Small Hybrid Collision Accelerator I
Small Trimark Armor Pump I
Small Trimark Armor Pump I

It gets 80dps and has 4.7k ehp so its not great.  You can fit 125mm rails on this by dropping the hybrid rig for an ancillary current router but this produces nearly the same dps so not sure if it is worth it.
With both the Hawk and Merlin fit you can use t2 rocket ammo because with the dual webs the damage reduction from speed is as minimal as it will get.

And thus concludes part 1 of the unorthodox ships.


The Music

The Funnies

Thursday, 15 September 2011

How to fly Combat Covert Ops ships pt. 1

I have been getting bored of writing short write ups of my fights, and having just read The Altruists 'Know Your Enemy' series about varying ship types and their advantages and disadvantages I thought I would do something similar but not quite as general. Instead I will focus on a shiptype close to my heart, the Battle Cov-Ops.

I am going to go through each ship individually, running through tactics when flying them, my fits for them and the advantages and disadvantages of particular weapons on them.
Combat Cov-Ops ships are generally used to dogfight with other frigates, mainly turret, and due to this most will be fitted with this goal in mind. On to the first and most popular......


Firstly the Fit

[Helios, Combat]

Low Slot

Magnetic Field Stabilizer II
Damage Control II
Micro Auxiliary Power Core I

Mid Slot

1MN Afterburner II
Fleeting Propulsion Inhibitor I
Fleeting Propulsion Inhibitor I
Faint Epsilon Warp Scrambler I
Balmer Series Tracking Disruptor I, Optimal Range Disruption

High Slots

150mm Railgun II, Caldari Navy Antimatter Charge S
150mm Railgun II, Caldari Navy Antimatter Charge S

Rig Slots

Small Hybrid Collision Accelerator I
Small Ancillary Current Router I

Hobgoblin II x1

This fit can be done with using just tech 2 items and can also be fitted without the powergrid rig, if you invest in a powergrid implant (its the Inherent Implants 'Squire' PG2 implant, give 1%). Alternatively if you dont want the damage rig it needs no power grid implant or rig to help it fit, this does however mean you have to now decide what rigs are going to be useful. Personally I try to fit mine like the above as the Meta 4 items improve your cap life by a lot (1m42s with t2, 4m1s with Meta 4). It also allows me to have the 5% hybrid damage implant (Zanou 'Deadeye' ZGS1000).
It has been pointed out to me the lack of cloak on the above ship, it is possible to make this fit work with a cloak but it requires you to drop a gun. This obviously lowers the overall dps and personally I would prefer the extra firepower, kill and get out rather than risk getting blobbed.

Due to the 5 mid slots it is possible to fit a large amount of E-war modules onto this ship. This allows it to control what range it fights at extremely effectively and due to its large hull hp (it’s bigger than the Taranis) you can get away with just a damage control for tank.
Secondly the Strategy

The general tactics for flying against turret frigates/destroyer/interdictors is orbit close to the edge of scram range and use the tracking disruptor to minimize the incoming dps whilst slowly wearing them down with your rail guns and drone damage. 
There are some exceptions to this rule, laser frigates can be problematic due to their high base range and in the likely event that they have scorch loaded, its sometimes better to use a tracking speed disruption module and script and get close. This is due to lasers having poor tracking up close. This can cause problem with your own tracking as well (rails being 'crap' and all).

The most dangerous frigate types I find whilst flying this ship is rocket frigates and kiting frigates. Rocket frigates as the tracking disruptor has no effect, it becomes a tank/gank race, which generally doesn’t work out in the Helios favour.
Kiting frigates because they can stay outside of tackle range and wear you down, although turret kiting frigates can be tracking disrupted to a point where they inflict little damage to your ship which may force them close enough to tackle.

Proof of Concept

Helios vs. Jaguar
Helios vs. Merlin
Helios vs. Thrasher
Helios vs. Arty Thrasher
Helios vs. Hookbill (Bad Fit)


The Fit

[Cheetah, Combat]

Low Slots

Damage Control II
Gyrostabilizer II
Micro Auxiliary Power Core I

Mid Slots

1MN Afterburner II
Warp Scrambler II
Stasis Webifier II
Tracking Disruptor II

Hi Slots

200mm AutoCannon II, Barrage S
200mm AutoCannon II, Barrage S
Covert Ops Cloaking Device II

Rig Slots

Small Projectile Burst Aerator I
Small Projectile Collision Accelerator I

Secondly the Strategy
The flying tactic is the same as with the Helios, keep range for as long as possible and use the tracking disruptor and web to your advantage. Against larger ships, its the same tactics as against any larger ship, aim to get under their guns and destroy the drones first.

Proof of Concept

Cheetah vs. Hurricane
Cheetah vs. Rifter
Cheetah vs. Incursus

The Difference and Details

Now as you can see the differences between this and the Helios as far as turret Combat Cov-Ops go. Firstly the tank on this is lower than the Helios fit above, nearly 1k ehp difference to be exact. This can be problematic when facing ships with range bonuses as they may still be able to hit you, wearing you down a lot faster than would be possible against the Helios. Another major fitting difference is the single web instead of two, this is the largest problem in my opinion as it makes it difficult to dictate range against some of the frigates that the Helios would have no problem killing (Ab/web/scram Taranis for example).

There is one major advantage this fit has over the Helios though and it is all about the cloaking device, with that the other disadvantages are diminished because with the cloak you can pick the fights you want. This fit also does better up close, as it has close range guns with long range ammo i.e Barrage S fitted rather than long range guns giving it a tracking advantage in close quarters.

And thus concludes part one, I will cover the missile fitted Cov Ops in the next part. I hope this is helpful and brings you lots of lulz and fun.


For the videos this week, I will link the video that got me to try these ships in the first place. Morel Nova Dishonor.

Part 1

Part 2

Tuesday, 13 September 2011

Delayed Posting

Ill start by apologising that this isn't going to be a long post, I haven't really managed to spend any meaningful amount of time on EvE over the last couple of weeks due to varying real life commitments.  However I will get back to doing write ups of some of my fights and whatever else I get up to.

So here are the two 'stand out' fights that I managed to get in the last two weeks.

Hawk vs. Dramiel

Logging in one evening after work I was told of some Dramiel pilots running around Amamake.  I shipped into my Hawk and went hunting.
I warped myself to zero at a belt other than the top one and eventually a Dramiel was kind enough to make his presence known to me.  I knew, it being lowsec chances are he would AB/WEB/SCRAM fit if he was remotely well fit which meant my range advantage would go out of the window quickly.  As he started to burn the 50 or so kilometers to me I set my keep range at 8km (inside scram and web range but at the edge of most Dramiels gun range) and let him burn towards me.  Overheating everything relevant I opened fire and webbed my quarry, his shields were slowly dropping....and I was still keeping my range on him.  Eventually his shields gave out and he popped, leaving me to enjoy my first solo kill on a Dramiel in my Hawk.

I was fairly happy with how I played that fight and my ship did its job brilliantly.  Having since tried out the MSE fit Hawk I have to say the Dual web armor Hawk is still my favourite version of this ship.  It also still has the reputation of not being a great ship which works brilliantly in its favour.

Omen Vs. Exequeror

A couple of nights later I ran across a Bosboger regular Razor Soulvoyeur in his Exequeror, now we have tangled a couple of times and they are usually always fun fights so I shipped into my new Nano Omen.  Warping to top belt I landed 70km off of him so we made the slow dance towards each other, him cause he was in a slow ship, me because I was in a ship with crap capacitor.  Eventually we made it into engagement range and started firing upon each other.

I was wary of getting to close as I had a fairly good idea how he had his ship fit and I would lose the tank/gank race if I got too close.  The problem with this is I kept leaving point range which worried me a little.
We started killing off each others drones, although he was getting through mine faster than I was getting through his (5 to 3).  Realising this I had my drones attack him and at that range I could just cycle through them with my lasers.
After about a minute of this I had started back on his ship, his buffer being whittled down by the sustained laser fire.  Unfortunately a neutral pirate appeared in the belt in Cyclone 70km off, I wanted the kill so I overheated and burnt towards him and he popped.  I looted and warped off before the Cyclone got close enough, much to that pilots chagrin.

Have to say I wasn't too disappointed in the Nano Omens performance, yes it has crap capacitor and shitty ehp but its dps at range was impressive and when I burnt in with Multifrequency loaded I liked the DPS.  Having said that though I really need to get better at kiting and keeping stuff in point range, the amount of time I didn't have the ship pointed was shocking.

Thats basically it at the moment.  With Deus Ex out and my rediscovery of Guild Wars, my time on EvE is a little hit and miss, although I did get a nice fight last night in my Vengeance and managed to lose my Buzzard stupidly.  I will still get some posts written, hopefully much more regularly than I have recently though.


Music Video of the Week/Month

Idiotic Video of the Week/Month